
Programs offered
  • Economics (major, minor, and tracks)

经济学是在竞争用途之间分配资源. 在SPU的经济学专业,你将学习许多影响人类繁荣的重要问题, 同时强调基督教对如何组织生产和分配商品和服务的社会决策的观点. 西雅图州立大学的经济学专业强调批判性思维, original research, 管理稀缺资源,促进人类繁荣.

Find out more about this program’s mission, vision, and learning outcomes.

Economics (BA)


The Business Analysis concentration 会使你具备与市场营销相关的额外技能和理解吗, management, and international business.

The Development Economics concentration 你是否准备好与世界各地的发展中国家一起积极工作.

攻读金融经济学专业 能让你专注于财务会计、商业融资和投资等问题吗.

The General concentration 为您提供机会,定制您的教育经验与最感兴趣的经济学课程.

A Public Policy concentration 准备你追求工作和/或进一步的研究在公共管理, global development, and politics.

在SPU的经济学专业,你将学习许多影响人类繁荣的重要问题. 这个专业强调发展和金融经济学, with a focus on decision making, resource stewardship, 资源和生产的配置和分配政策. 经济学对于理解作为一个系统的企业是至关重要的, 以及企业和家庭与宏观经济和政治制度之间更广泛的互动. 

  • 本专业至少需要68个学分, including 41 upper-division credits.
  • You may choose the general track, 或者你可以通过完成该学科的15个选修学分,从四种专业选择中选择一种.
  • You must have a minimum of 35 credit hours in the major at SPU.

Additional competencies and requirements

Spreadsheet competency requirement

Demonstration of spreadsheet competency 是所有在商学院获得学位的学生毕业的必修课吗, Government, and Economics. 你可以通过BUS 1700考试,或者在Microsoft Excel 2013的基本Microsoft Office专家考试中获得至少60%的分数来证明这一点, 2016, or later. 有关电子表格能力要求的问题,请联系Dr. Richard Sleight at

New majors dessert attendance

Newly admitted students of Business; Accounting; Economics; Global Development; and Politics, Philosophy, 经济学专业的学生需要参加一个通常在每年2月举行的迎新活动. 该专业的录取以出勤为条件.

economics major admission data

经济学专业的录取是有选择性的,并以以前的学习成绩为基础. 会计部门最近的总接收数据, Business Administration, and Economics majors is depicted below.

Academic Year 2016–17 2017–18 2018–19
Average GPA of Admitted Students 3.4 3.3 3.4
Lowest GPA of Admitted Students 2.8 2.8 2.7
Number of Applicants 119 125 103
Number Admitted 116 119 100

entering and completing the economics major



  • Have attained at least sophomore standing (45 or more college credits).
  • 在SPU完成至少15个BUS, ACCT和ECN学分  (10 credits for transfer juniors and seniors).
  • Have either a 2.70 cumulative GPA and 2.70 major GPA at SPU, or, a 3.0 major GPA. 达到最低GPA标准并不能保证被录取,因为被录取的学生总数受容量限制.
  • Submit an online Major application December 20–January 20. 在此窗口之外,SBGE不接受主要申请.

To successfully complete the major, note that:

  • 这所大学要求成绩达到C或更高 in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, 某些课程可能要求更高的最低成绩. 为了获得更高的分数,你只能重修SPU的课程一次.
  • To advance in this program, 你应该定期和指导老师讨论你的成绩, course progression, 以及其他令人满意的学业进步指标. 如果你的成绩或其他因素表明你可能无法顺利完成该专业, 你的指导老师可以和你一起探索各种选择, which may include choosing a different major.
  • You must complete the major requirements 在进入该专业的那一年,在SPU本科目录中有效.

Economics minor


经济学辅修课程允许你选修一些普通经济学课程来补充你所选的专业. 辅修经济学可能对你有特别的价值 Political Science majors, or if you are preparing for law school. 这些要求也满足经济学教学背书的要求.

  • 这门辅修课程至少需要30个学分。 including 15 upper-division credits.
  • SPU要求你在SPU至少修满15个辅修学分, 10个学分必须是高级学分.
  • This minor is not available to students majoring in Accounting; Business Administration; Economics; Politics, Philosophy, and Economics; or in other Business minors.

entering and completing the minor

  • 接受经济学辅修是基于最低累积2.90 GPA, completion of 5 credits in the minor with a 2.90 GPA, 完成至少45个学分的课程(大二), and formal admittance to your primary major. 
  • You are required to make a formal application to this minor, which you may do at any time during the year.
  • You must complete the minor requirements 在SPU本科目录中有效,为未成年人入学的一年. 
  • This minor is not available to students majoring in Accounting; Business Administration; Economics; Politics, Philosophy, and Economics; or other Business minors.
  • For questions regarding minors in SBGE, contact Dr. Richard Sleight (

Time Schedule: Economics

Course planning

Suggested course sequences 帮助你及时完成你的学位.

Economics Department

Visit Economics on the School of Business, Government, and Economics website, 看看这个学位如何帮助你实现你的目标,并在世界上有所作为.